A profound change in our perception of life

Since 1875 humanity has been prepared for the most profound change in our perception of the world and ourselves through the teachings that have been released by the Masters of Wisdom. Shackled by our materialistic world view, we have lost sight of our innate divinity as the true source of our being, threatening the very survival of the planet through separativeness, greed and competition.

With the return of our Elder Brothers – the Masters, headed by the World Teacher – and the coming of the Space Brothers now, at the dawn of the new Age of Aquarius, humanity will be inspired to create a new civilization through sharing and co-operation, based on a realization of our essential oneness.

And as the world re-awakens to this spiritual dimension of life, people will turn increasingly to the Ageless Wisdom teaching to know and understand more of themselves – their real Selves – and the Universe that we live in.

Gerard Aartsen has been studying and researching the Ageless Wisdom teachings for over 30 years. In his publications and through interviews and talks, he shares his insights, experiences and views to help readers and listeners make sense of the climactic changes that we experience in this time of transition. More about Gerard Aartsen

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